
Showing posts from December, 2009

The case of Dee’s Scratches #8

Wow, here it is December 29, 2009. I haven't posted anything on Dee's scratches episode since October. There has been great progress though. She has pretty much recovered, although there is some significant scaring. I'm still scared every time we get any moisture that the whole mess will start up again. After the last post, I ended up getting a third round of the antibiotic "Tucoprim" from my local vet. I finished out that and then the last of the ointment from Dr. Allred. I continued to treat through November and she got steadily better. Now the hair that is going to grow back is back. There are areas that I doubt the hair will ever come back, and I'm okay with that as long as she is comfortable – good thing we don't enter any beauty contests :0) Now I pray for a healthy spring – so we can continue on our journey, and no recurrence in the summer.  I will edit this post within the next couple days to add a pic of her current look.