
Showing posts from 2011

Mesa Hopping

“It was a great ride!”  That is my best summation of the couple of hours spent riding in the Truth or Consequences area with friends Kit and Staci on Saturday September 3, 2011.  It seems every time I find myself on I25, anywhere between Caballo Lake and Socorro you can expect me to say “boy I wish I could ride out here, what a great place to explore..” Randy has heard that I’m sure more times than he wishes.  The landscape is so enticing -  what great mesas, valleys and canyons!  I wish every time to be able to explore the area on horseback.  Saturday Dee and I did just that and it was awesome….SHE was awesome! The trip to Kit’s should have been fairly quick – by car at speed limits maybe a bit under 1.5hrs.  I figured pulling the trailer it would be 1hr, 45mins max.  Of course, I did not take into account that the Hatch Chili Festival was starting that morning, causing Dee and I to be in our first parade!  (well, they were closing the roads behind me and all the people were alre

AFTH Audition 2011

Well, after Saturday's fiasco (see ACTHA Take – Two) I was unsure if we were even going to be able to complete the audition, but when the time came to go feed Sunday morning, the sun was shining and there was no wind (yay!).  That boosted my spirits a bit and although it was still cold enough to see your breath, I felt that the lack of wind and the shining sun was a sign we were going to pull it together. Dee was very relaxed and seemed to be back to herself.  I remember telling Randy she had her "eyes back"  I don't know if I can explain what that means, but basically she seemed to be interested in what I was doing and even made an effort to check for shoelaces (she loves to tug on my shoe laces - weird, but cute!) I was wearing boots-no laces, so she just nuzzled my hand and waited for me to put out her hay.  I spent some time grooming a bit, it had rained (mixed with snow – hello, DESERT) over night and I thought she was going to be a mess, but she had not roll

ACTHA–Take Two

We arrived at Triangle T Guest Ranch in Dragoon, AZ earlier than we had originally expected, having left home early to avoid a looming dust storm.  We found Dee’s pen and got her setup with water and a bit of hay then went to set our trailer.   The couple times I checked on her she was upset, pacing the pen and whinnying.  I was hoping someone would bring her a buddy soon.  After we got the trailer set up I went back over and she had gained a couple neighbors, but there was no instant bond as there had been with Lloyd in La Union – she was charging at the gelding next to her whenever he even looked in her direction.  I decided to take her out on an exploration trip around the ranch to see if we could find a round pen.  She did pretty well, coming with me and doing anything I asked – but she wasn’t really with me – more like sucked into everything around her.  This is not unusual for Dee, who seems to be pretty talented at multi-tasking at home – doing everything I ask but never reall

ACTHA–Take One

Well, the first ACTHA ride is over and we made it home in pretty much one piece.  I’m sporting a swollen eye that is turning an impressive shade of purplish red, (That is one thing I do well, bruise!) and Dee has a small scrape down the inside of her right hind leg.  Stay tuned to learn the stories behind the wounds.  :0) I am still trying to wrap my mind around the whole experience.  It was a great weekend and I hope to have many more weekends like this with many improvements in horsemanship along the way. When we first arrived, the barn manager showed me how to get to the pen. We went through the barn with horses on either side of the isle and then through a hallway that was maybe three feet across (concrete walls that were 12 feet high) and six or eight feet long, then down another isle with horses on either side.  My first question was “is there another way for me to get here?”  she was nice enough to remove the few horses that were turned out in a nearby pasture so I could w

EnCOWnters of the First Kind..

  My efforts to further Dee’s education have definitely gone “up a notch”.  Seems like every time we play there is a new element involved.  Our first trail ride as members of the American Competitive Trail Horse Association (ACTHA) is coming up fast…March 19!  We are signed up in the “Buddy” Division for that ride,  which means we are literally, just along for the ride.  We will not be able to complete obstacles or earn points.  The next day will be our second ride and we are signed up in the “Pleasure” Division for that one.  I really can’t wait, it seems like just the thing to keep us motivated!  It is going to be a great weekend and Randy and Shorty will be there to cheer us on.   Over the past few weeks we have come face to face with the neighbor’s cows (hence our blog title!), Found our way to the end of Marengo and beyond, and gone to the vet with no companion horse going along for moral support.   To the non-horse enlightened person these things may seem rather mundane and ha

Let’s get this party started!

It has certainly been too long since I have posted a new message.  I guess for awhile I didn’t really feel like writing anything – what would I write about?  Everything revolved around Moli before, she was my inspiration to learn new things, dig deeper into the material I had already been through, and to keep cataloging what I had already done so I wouldn’t be going in circles. It seems I was happy to finish out 2010 with an attitude of relaxation when it came to my horse related adventures.  Not only was I mentally recovering from losing Moli, I was also physically recovering from my wreck with Dee – she had reared up and fallen over backwards while I was riding in June.  She landed on my left calf, which was dutifully crushed – and I landed on my left hip, causing bursitis, which took almost six months to diagnose.  Needless to say I wasn’t trying to find extra time to play. One little window of encouragement and inspiration came in the form of a visit from Jinita Hays of Jinita