
Showing posts from April, 2011

AFTH Audition 2011

Well, after Saturday's fiasco (see ACTHA Take – Two) I was unsure if we were even going to be able to complete the audition, but when the time came to go feed Sunday morning, the sun was shining and there was no wind (yay!).  That boosted my spirits a bit and although it was still cold enough to see your breath, I felt that the lack of wind and the shining sun was a sign we were going to pull it together. Dee was very relaxed and seemed to be back to herself.  I remember telling Randy she had her "eyes back"  I don't know if I can explain what that means, but basically she seemed to be interested in what I was doing and even made an effort to check for shoelaces (she loves to tug on my shoe laces - weird, but cute!) I was wearing boots-no laces, so she just nuzzled my hand and waited for me to put out her hay.  I spent some time grooming a bit, it had rained (mixed with snow – hello, DESERT) over night and I thought she was going to be a mess, but she had not roll

ACTHA–Take Two

We arrived at Triangle T Guest Ranch in Dragoon, AZ earlier than we had originally expected, having left home early to avoid a looming dust storm.  We found Dee’s pen and got her setup with water and a bit of hay then went to set our trailer.   The couple times I checked on her she was upset, pacing the pen and whinnying.  I was hoping someone would bring her a buddy soon.  After we got the trailer set up I went back over and she had gained a couple neighbors, but there was no instant bond as there had been with Lloyd in La Union – she was charging at the gelding next to her whenever he even looked in her direction.  I decided to take her out on an exploration trip around the ranch to see if we could find a round pen.  She did pretty well, coming with me and doing anything I asked – but she wasn’t really with me – more like sucked into everything around her.  This is not unusual for Dee, who seems to be pretty talented at multi-tasking at home – doing everything I ask but never reall